Salmon Habitat Restoration
posted 2013 Sep by John Costanti
If you are concerned about the health and well being of future generations of our most impressive fish species, helping just a little every week is easier than you think. A person only needs to internet search "salmon habitat restoration" and all the results you receive can help you get started. Some volunteer efforts are as easy as preserving river beds for breeding or becoming politically active in helping restrain chemical deposits into our waterways. Supporting the sustainability of an essential species will help future generations enjoy the wonder and importance of wild salmon and give you a feeling of fulfillment and contribution today.
Voting yes on initiative 522 is a politically smart move in regards to attention of wild salmon fishing. Yes on 522 says everyone should have a right to know what they are eating.
Thanks for posting this. Sometimes we forget that every little thing we do matters somewhere. Even sending one letter to a legislator, going down to the local creek and working on restoring it, finding a group that’s concerned with sustainability of the salmon species and getting involved…every one of those things take little effort, but contribute to the whole in a significant way. Thanks for the reminder!